Cactus Web

Who We Are

When things get tough, we keep on growing!

Welcome to the world of digital excellence.

Welcome to the world of Cactus.

Having a strong presence & activity in the field of web development since 2010, we have successfully implemented more than 600 projects in different business sectors and organizations using always state of art technologies.

Keeping in mind the needs of businesses in the modern era, we are shaping the web by leaving our mark.

Committed to our goal of always evolving our palette of services, in 2018 we added the graphic design department to our team, providing even more creativity to our projects. Where aesthetics met technology.

2019 was another important milestone for us as we incorporated the digital marketing department into our services. A ”checkmate” move on the chessboard of the digital world as it shaped us into a 360° digital agency, capable of providing integrated solutions to brands of all sizes.

We don’t just build websites, we create customized strategies and experiences capable of making any business distinguish in its industry, turning it into a leading force.

We create long-lasting relationships and partnerships with the people who trust us, leading us to the top together.

Welcome to Cactus.

The history of Cactus

Our team

Our team is distinguished by its skills. Every member of our company is highly qualified.

It consists of 35 stems. Every person in our company has skills related to the services we offer.


ΤΑΣΟΣ scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Anastasios Mameletzis

Marketing Manager

17A4429 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Eva Mouratidou

Digital Marketeer

17A9570 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Ilias Atzamidakis

Digital Marketeer

ΔΙΑΛΕΧΤΗ ΛΙΝΟΥ - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Dialexti Linou

Digital Marketeer

17A0920 scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Viky Papagiannopoulou

Digital Marketeer

17A6479 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Elpida Stoitsou

Digital Marketeer

Νατσίκου Σοφία - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Sofia Natsikou

Digital Marketeer

Πλωμαρίτη Δέσποινα scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Despoina Plomariti

Digital Marketeer

Ανδριόλα Εύα scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Eva Andriola

Digital Marketeer

Κυριάκου Μάρθα scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Martha Kyriakou

Content Creator

Παπαγιαννοπούλου Ελένη scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Eleni Papagiannopoulou

Video Creator

Μότσιου Κατερίνα scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Katerina Motsiou

SEO Specialist

Λενακάκη Μαρία rotated - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Maria Lenakaki

Video Creator


17A6812 scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Panos Nalmpantis

Project Manager

17A9608 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Aleksandros Lemperos

Project Manager

Εμμανουέλα Δασκαλάκη - Website Development & Digital Marketing


Project Manager

Αλέξανδρος Πλούμης - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Alexandros Ploumis

Web Developer

17A9582 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Paris Kourpidis

Back-end Developer

17A8807 scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Renia Kotselidou

Front-end Developer

ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΑ scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Evangelia Proiou

Front-end Developer

Κώστας Ηλιάδης - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Kostas Iliadis

Front-end Developer

Κατόγλου Μπεν scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Katoglou Mpenentetto

Front-end Developer

Αποστολίδης Γιώργος scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Apostolidis Giorgos

Junior Web Developer

17A1774 2 rotated - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Zempilas Vasileios-Filippos

Web Developer

Business Development

17A9545 - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Sofia Tsetou


ΠΟΥΛΚΑ ΦΑΝΗ scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Fani Poulka

Sales Executive

- Website Development & Digital Marketing

Eleni Giannakopoylou


RAF5416 scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Androniki Ierokli



ΜΑΝΒΕΛΙΤΖΕ ΜΑΡΙΑ - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Maria Manvelitze

Graphic Designer

Νικολόπουλος Χρήστος scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Xristos Nikolopoulos

Graphic Designer

Σωπίδου Ιωάννα scaled - Website Development & Digital Marketing

Ioanna Sopidou

Graphic Designer


Ανέστης Σταμάτης

Anestis Stamatis

Managing Director

Δημήτρης Αγγελούδης

Dimitris Aggeloydis

Managing Director

Our culture

Our team is distinguished by its skills. Every member of our company is highly qualified.

It consists of 28 stems. Every person in our company has skills related to the services we offer.